The main objective of the Export Association of Mining, Industrial Products and Engineering (EXAMIE) Services is to protect the legitimate and legal rights and interests of the members and resolving the problems members come across with the aim to ensure the growth and development of non-oil exports. In addition to these objectives, realizing the following are considered the Association’s core responsibilities:

Support and protection of members’ rights on all levels, by utilizing legal assistance


Collaborate with government and relevant public agencies to address and resolve exports and exporters challenges


Organize domestic and international trade and export seminars and congresses


Participate in local and international core and specialized trade events


Organize brain-storming sessions in order to gather members’ views as well as forming special committees to address the obstacles exporters come across


Assessing the country’s export resources, capacities, and compliance and the conforming them to market expectations


Study the legal and structural problems of exports and solve the problems of exporters, by providing solutions and suggestions to export firms, policy makers and decision makers in the field of exports.


Provide technical and specialized consultation to exporters


Holding training workshops and seminars on exports


Actively seeking to capture new markets, as well as maintain and expand current markets in the world


Recognition and preparation of suitable conditions for domestic and global export, cooperation and facilitation of foreign investment


Providing any service that is relevant to the development of exports and is relevant to the goals of the Association